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2023 Events

Jan 21   Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, Humacao, Puerto Rico

Feb 26 Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, San Francisco Bay Area

March 22- March 27  The White Wolfe Experience Full Body, Mind, Spirit Recalibration and full potential Activation

- Metamorphosis Retreat, Puerto Rico

April 22- April 28 Entrepreneurial Goddess Activation TBD location



2022 Events

12/10 Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, Humacao, PR

12/4  Breathwork Meditation, San Juan PR

11/26 Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, Humacao, Puerto Rico (Gift to Community Healing Group)

11/13   Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, Humacao, Puerto Rico

11/4- 11/5 Miami, FL   Psychedelic Conference

10/23 Cacao Breathwork Sound CeremonyIbiza, Spain

09/17 Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, San Jose, California

08/27 (Special Plant Medicina)Kona Hawaii  

08/09 Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, Santa Cruz, SF Bay Area

07/23 Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, San Jose, California

06/30 Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony and ( Special Plant Medicina), Kona Hawaii  

05/07 Cacao Breathwork Sound Ceremony, Humacao, Puerto Rico


6/21/22 5:30pm PST- 6:30pm online
Meditation Prayer for Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is a time with powerful energies of the longest day of the year! The sun and Earth align to assist the growth of all things to come to their fullest potential.   We come together to pray and give thanks for our bodies, enlightenment, abundance, love and the joy of living on this beautiful Mother Gaia. In gratitude we manifest more of the above.  This  talk is a gift from White Wolfe. 


7/13/22 5:30pm PST- 6:30pm PST online

White Wolfe Breathwork with Talk about your PURPOSE

This one hour talk will start off with a short Breathwork and then lead into a talk about your Purpose, 144k lightworkers and Q and A.  This  talk is a gift from White Wolfe.    


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